From childhood, we were inspired that to dissolve and collect gossip badly. However, which of us did not experience inexplicable pleasure, discussing the indecent behavior of a common acquaintance? Who did not report a secret to his friend that X made an offer Y, but “this, of course, is still a secret, so do not pass on anyone”. Why are we gossiping?
Psychologists have long been studying this problem and even established that gossip can be useful. Thus, the specialists of the University of Groningen were able to prove in practice that the “good” gossip stimulate the desire to improve in us, and negative cases from the life of others increase the desire for self -defense.
In addition, “bad” gossip about others (even about celebrities) flatter us and warm our souls. After all, against their background, we immediately look more successful, happier, more attractive. At the same time, such gossip is an alarm, a reminder, how easy it is to become a victim of ill -wishers.
And what else makes us share not always proven and pleasant information?
Professor Frank McAndry from the Theological College of Knox to Toronto suggests looking at gossip in terms of evolution theory. He recalls that our distant ancestors lived in small groups (in fact, flocks), and survival depended on each of the members. If someone has become weak or, conversely, starts a coup, trying to seize power, it is better that all members of the team immediately learn about this.
In the ancient world, gossip was a kind of protective mechanism. Therefore, the love of rumors, Professor McDanrew, offers to perceive not as a character trait, but as a social skill inherited by us.
According to Stanford University, gossip is a way to reduce anxiety level. As part of the experiment, scientists watched a person who learned something bad about a colleague. He immediately increased the level of stress hormones and the heartbeat increased. And only a discussion of the current situation with others helped to bring well to normal.
Scientists from the University of Pavia nominated a similar theory. They conducted an experiment involving 22 women. It turned out that when the girls gossiped, they increased the moisture of the hormone oxytocin, which is also called the hormone of love. He relieves a feeling of stress and anxiety. And oxytocin helps strengthen love and family ties, forms an emotional connection between mother and child. From here it flows smoothly and the next cause of gossip.
Lecturer of the North-Eastern University in Boston Dr. Jack Levin, author of the book Gossip: Inside the Sensation, believes that leisure gossip is the key to healthy relations in the team. United by general secret information, employees trust each other more and feel that they are on one side of the barricades. Therefore, chiefs should not worry when subordinates discuss their decisions, appearance or even details of personal life. Let them say, but at work it affects positively.
The exception is rumors that harm someone’s reputation. And it is also important that they do not grow into false speculations and do not go beyond the company.
Gossip has an important integration function. This is one of the easiest ways to become your own, for example, at a new job. You probably noticed that with a newcomer in the first week everyone is trying not to discuss delicate working moments or personal problems: he has not yet passed the test of time. And having shared a secret with a colleague, we show confidence. The exchange of hearing indicates a certain similarity of hierarchical values, needs or characters. This is a kind of signal: “You and I are in the same boat!”
John Levin reports that, deliberately avoiding participation in the discussion of others, it is easy to get into social isolation. So do not be afraid of harmless gossip. In extreme cases, you can gossip about celebrities. There is no harm, but talking is more interesting than about the weather.
All the same Dr. Levin claims that the possession of confidential information “from proven sources” increases our significance and helps to be in the spotlight. And this positively affects self -esteem.
And finally, what is gossip? Idle entertainment when nothing happens in your own life. Sometimes we just need to satisfy our emotional hunger with the help of nothing meaningful, sometimes in use to be useless for us personally. That is why many are so interesting for rumors from the life of stars, and tabloids and paparazzi regularly earn on bread.
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